bookmark_borderBGO Part 10 – Jay Peters

I’m very far behind in posting this set of photos. Long gone are the days when I would post weekly and always something from that week.

This photo, above, was from that era and was one of my first “iconic” photos of the Silver Hearts with Jay Peters leaping to his feet.

(Original blog post from 2011 here.)

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bookmark_borderNSB at FCG

photograph of the Nihilist Spasm Band at the 50th anniversary opening of the Forest City Gallery in London, Ontario. Left to right" Bill Exley, John Clement, Murray Favro, Art Pratten. They are playing home made instruments. Behind them the gallery walls show the work from the exhibition Towards Braiding: Dreaming of Anti-colonial Futures in the Forest City
The Nihilist Spasm Band at the 50th anniversary opening of the Forest City Gallery.
L to R: Bill Exley, John Clement, Murray Favro, Art Pratten.

I visited London in October and was able to make it out to the 50th Anniversary opening party at the Forest City Gallery.

My mom, Bernice Vincent, was one of the founding members of the FCG. I spent many hours there as a child and for decades after until I left London to go to school.

It was wonderful to be back for the anniversary and to get a chance to see the Nihilist Spasm Band.

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bookmark_borderBGO Part 4 – Rudy Ray

It would seem my blog is almost entirely dedicated to BGO’s evenings of music these days.

There will be other things here, I promise. But there’s a good reason I keep sharing images of these events.

There is nothing like listening to people who love music play music.

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bookmark_borderBGO Part 3 – 8know8

Last Thursday, I went off to Jethro’s to check out the latest instalment of the BGO extravaganza.

A big night was planned with several performers. But as things go these days, it didn’t happen as planned, and three of the five performers couldn’t make it, including Wyatt – the ‘B’ in BGO.

Continue reading “BGO Part 3 – 8know8”

bookmark_borderBurton Glasspool Overdrive at Jethro’s

Black and white image of BGO playing at Jethro's bar and tavern in Peterborough Ontario. Wyatt Burton plays guitar in the foreground with Charlie Glasspool on piano in the back.

I have been going to Jethro’s Bar and Stage on Wednesdays since last spring to get some early evening musical relief from all the troubles of the world.

Wyatt, Charlie and Trevor fit my schedule and my mood. But as things are wont to change, so has this.

Now Wyatt and Charlie have reawakened Burton Glasspool Overdrive and are playing the last Thursdays of each month and bringing special guests with them.

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