The Reno is Done

For those of you who have been wondering about the state of my big reno project, here are the final photos.

It’s almost all done. There are just a few little details to be finished, and a whole bunch of landscaping to do.

I’m so happy with the results. It was an all encompassing project for many months. And then the standard wait for last finishes, permits, approvals and the like.

But now it’s done and it’s absolutely beautiful. I hope you agree.

(click the ‘i’ in the lower left for the captions)

And here is a beautiful video edited together by Maya (above right). George, left and Maya were two of the build crew. [Click image for vid to open in new window.}

Be sure to click on the photo to watch. It’ll give you an idea of the love and fun that went into making this beautiful space.

Below is an excellent article from Canadian Contractor Magazine about the crew and the process.

I hope to have another open house soon. I’ll keep you all posted.

Extra special thanks to the students and staff of The Endeavour Centre and all their hard work and planning.

If anyone wants more details about the reno, the materials or the process I went through to be the recipient of all of this skill and brilliance, feel free to get in touch.

In the meantime, friends, dream of a sustainable future and as the photo at top suggests, cultivate love.


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