bookmark_borderGoing Down to Jackson Video and Portrait Special

Here it is!

My Going Down to Jackson video is being projected for two more nights in downtown Peterborough (time and location details available by following the link). But for those of you who can’t make it, here’s the video to watch in the comfort of your own home. Or wherever it is you happen to be while you’re watching it.

Enjoy! I certainly enjoyed making it. Continue reading “Going Down to Jackson Video and Portrait Special”

bookmark_borderGoing Down to Jackson Showings

GDJ_Ackhurst Hi all,

I don’t usually post more than once a week, but I wanted to let you know where and when you can see the projections of my Going Down to Jackson project.

It’s going to be projected on the sides of buildings in various locations downtown all of this week. Continue reading “Going Down to Jackson Showings”

bookmark_borderGoing Downtown With Jackson

jacksoncreek_bill_laurelI’m finally finished my rubber boot photo project.

This is Bill Kimball and Laurel Paluck. They’ve been working to help make Artsweek happen. Continue reading “Going Downtown With Jackson”

bookmark_borderOccupy Jackson Park and The Darkroom Project Portrait Day

image of occupier, lester alfonso, in jackson parkThis is Lester Alfonso. He’s initiated the thing that is Occupy Jackson Park. Continue reading “Occupy Jackson Park and The Darkroom Project Portrait Day”